3.6 (2)
Contact Information
Toll-Free Number: (800) 462-2635 Restaurants: 1 Liquor: No Hours: 8am-2am/24 Hours (Thursday-Saturday) Casino Size: 60,000 Square Feet Games Offered: Slots, Video Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Three Card Poker. Tesuque Casino isn’t just another place to play your favorite games – it’s the best new game in town. No matter how you play – whether at one of our slot machines, betting it all on red or rolling the dice – Tesuque Casino offers the best combination of gaming and service anywhere in New Mexico. $180,000 Bootiful cash giveaway.
7 Tesuque Rd
Hotels near Tesuque Casino, Santa Fe on Tripadvisor: Find 31,029 traveler reviews, 25,589 candid photos, and prices for 106 hotels near Tesuque Casino in Santa Fe, NM. TESUQUE PUEBLO, N.M. (AP) — A small northern New Mexico Native American tribe has opened a movie studio in a former casino that it hopes will lure big productions.
Santa Fe

RV Parking and Camping Information
Casino Information
- Slots
- Video Poker
- Table Games
- Fast Food
- Buffett
- Fine Dining / Gourmet
Other Information
Tesuque Casino Santa Fe Nm
Overnight RV Parking is Allowed

User reviews
May 2019 Update. A brand new facility was built much closer to the Santa Fe area. Renamed Tesuque Casino. This use to be the grounds of a flea market. The older Tesuque/ Camel Rock Casino is further up the road. This new one is right close to the SF Opera grounds. Naturally there was contention. So now even closer to Santa Fe proper. The exterior building looks fabulous. Wow if you like modern architecture. Inside it felt cramped and crowded. Inside the layout seemed strained. Table games seemed much too close to the slots. Players club sign up earned $10 credit. Free coffee and soda. Poker room? No signage. Not sure if one exists. Will ask next time. Expansion with a hotel is sure to come. So maybe all will breath better with some more elbow room. Smoke. Not too bad. Still some formaldehyde smell from the carpet. This won’t last long. Filters seem to be cranking well. Ok the RV kicker. I believe this to be their first RV summer season for this facility. If course they know the RV crowd from the old site. There is no welcome sign. However there is not a no overnight parking sign either. It may be a don’t ask don’t tell scenario for now. I did not ask the front desk nor security. We went to the fathest guest lot. There was already a long Class A with tow car from Florida parked. They were taking up 9 slots in all. We backed up to the fence in our slot and settled in for a while. Class A went for groceries so we know they were in for the night. A revamped Albertsons grocery store is close by. We started our walk towards the casino for a looksee and a golf cart shuttle picked us up for a ride to the door. We returned to the RV. We were close to a lamp post with a security camera on it so yeah I guess we were noted upon. A very quiet night. Mostly level. Light traffic buzz from highway 285. Safe. No knock from security. No windshield note. We woke to a beautiful sunrise. Class A was still there. If approached by security Class A was going to be my excuse. Ask them to leave first. They are three times my size. My one slot to there nine, etc. Yadda yadda. The parking lot was empty by the morning. Taking in the morning sun I had a coffee cup in hand and a Tesuque Police cruiser swung by with a morning nod. Nothing more. I’ll risk some one or two nighters until told otherwise. Far cheaper than a SF hotel. Free vs $$$$. Will be interesting to see how this place will unfold. The old casino grounds remain abandoned and roped off. Maybe turn that into a dedicated RV park/station. Laundry! The Valero gas station there may still allow overnight parking in their dirt lot.
RVBRAVONMTop 100 Reviewer2 reviews
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Buffalo Thunder Casino
This is a large dirt parking lot east of the Vallero gas station run by the casino. It is FREE. There are large ruts from rain. Walk the lot to see the best access to the spot you want. There are no services but there is an RV park (Road Runner) up the road with water and dump for $10. It is very uneven in most spots but it is FREE! We stayed 4 nights in a 37 ft. 5th wheel and felt safe. The casino is small but they have good deals for signing up for their club.
RunaroundsuervftTop 500 Reviewer1 reviews
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-report from Gerard, May 21, 2008
I stayed overnight in the parking lot. The signage to RV/truck parking is now confusing as they have barricaded the original dirt RV/truck parking area. I asked a casino security man and he said they are constructing a gas station in that area, and he told me to just park my rig in one of the far/lower (parking lot has a mild slope) corners and I'd be just fine.
I was there primarily for a Joan Jett concert. Seems this small casino frequently attracts big names for concerts. I paid $30 for the concert ticket..a bargain. The midweek concert brought a small turnout (maybe 500 people) and I was in the second row from stage! What a treat!!
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- report from Karen B., May, 2008
Not much to add to Sean's report except that we stayed in the paved lot next to the dirt one as the casino wasn't busy the night we were there and the lot was empty.
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-report from Sean, August 2007
We stayed here the night of August 13, 2007. RV's and trucks park in a dirt lot north of the casino. Large signs for the RV and truck parking can't be missed once you exit the freeway.
Overnight parking appears to be allowed (we didn't ask) -- there are several other rigs here, and some appear to have been here 'a while.' I would send a photo, but signs near the casino forbid cameras anywhere on the property 'or on tribal lands.'
There is one restaurant, which has a limited menu most nights (see the casino's web site), but serves a buffet brunch on Sundays and a surf-n-turf dinner on Fridays.
Signing up for the players' club gets you $10 in promotional money to use in the machines, and an extra $5 depending on the day of the week -- we got it today because Monday is 'under 54' day.
As with some other casinos in NM (e.g. Sky City), this one is dry. So no alcohol is served either in the casino or the restaurant.
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PROJECTS: Tribal Projects; Casinos;Resorts/Retreats
SERVICES:Design-Build; Start up / Operations; Value Engineering
TECHNOLOGY:MBR/Membrane Filter; Lift Station
SUSTAINABLE:Landscape/Subsurface Irrigation
Tesuque Casino Nm
LOCATION: Tesuque, New Mexico
DESCRIPTION: Integrated Water Services, Inc. (IWS) has completed work on its $4.7 million Design-Build contract with the Tesuque Pueblo to design, permit, and construct a wastewater treatment system to produce disinfected tertiary water to meet the Class 1A New Mexico Reuse Permit. Treated effluent will be utilized to irrigate landscape features for this new 75,000 ft2 gaming casino located 11 miles north of Santa Fe, New Mexico adjacent to the historic Santa Fe Opera. The new facility will feature 750 slot machines in addition to table games. To start off the project, IWS provided the general process engineering report, WWTP design, the WWTP permit application, NPDES discharge permit application, and all related plans and specs required to secure the appropriate permits.
The MBR treatment system will have a design capacity at 80,000 GPD at full build out, which includes the Casino and a future 150 room hotel. IWS is providing a turn-key treatment system including a 21,000 gallon equalization tank, 8,000 gallon sludge tank, headworks rotary bar screen, Packaged MBR treatment system, chemical feed systems, sludge press, and treated efflu-ent storage tank. The WWTP is housed in a new metal building with a climate control/HVAC system.
The specific scope of work included: Construct Headworks and rotary drum screen; Building foundation, and headworks channel; Pre-engineered metal building; Building HVAC, electrical and lighting; Equipment anchor system installation; Construct Treatment System; SCADA software and programming; Provide and Construct Pump System to convey effluent; Provide and Construct WWTP controls and system instrumentation; Electrical Work for treatment system; and Provide and Install all U/G and A/G Piping, Valves and instrumentation at Treatment Plant Site.
Treated effluent will be stored in a 45,000 gallon above grade FRP storage tank. The advanced wastewater treatment of the MBR will allow the effluent to be re-used to irrigate the parking and casino property landscaping, reducing the potable water demands for the facility. All surplus effluent will be sent to a Low Pressure Dispersal (LPD) system consisting of 5 LPD fields of 6 zones for a total of 18,000 linear feet of disposal trench with manifolds, supply lines, and valves.
IWS also installed all the electrical components including: Main control panel (230/460 volt, 60 Hz, 3 phase), enclosure with magnetic starters, circuit breakers, programmable time clock, HOA switches, and master SCADA. All required A/G conduit, pull boxes, wire, cable, terminations and mounting brackets and unistrut for complete fully operating systems. Completed all electrical testing for IWS installed equipment.
IWS also provided domestic water facilities for the project which included: a) 200,000 gallon insulated welded steel water tank (fire and domestic use) with level controls and heater; b) fire water and domestic skid mounted water pumps housed in a building; and c) water well control and disinfection piping, electrical, and instrumentation.
When Will Tesuque Casino Reopen
IWS coordinated Start-up with the Plant Manufacturers Representative and the Owners Operation and Maintenance Provider including providing Operator Training and all related O & M manuals.
IWS teamed with Souder Miller Engineers of Albuquerque, NM and was selected based on the collective experience of the team and its ability to meet challenging schedules. The IWS/Souder Miller team has previously done work for Tesuque Pueblo at a residential development on tribal land.
For more information, contact the editor, Peter C. Balas, pcbalas@integratedwaterservices.com.
Tesuque Casino Restaurant
download Design Build of Tesuque Casino Features MBR Treatment for Water Re-use pdf
Tesuque Casino Ceo